ACERA Joins ACBC WA & CCCA in Celebrating China National Day, Showcasing Vision for Australia-China Collaboration
On Wednesday 2 October 2024, ACBC WA (Australia China Business Council) and CCCA (China Chamber of Commerce in Australia) Perth Branch held their annual China National Day celebrations at the Fraser’s State Reception Centre in Perth Western Australia. As a member of ACBC, the ACERA (Australia Chinese Energy and Resources Association) management team were invited to participate in the important event.
Pictured from left to right are: Mr. Richard Cao (曹刚,Deputy Secretary-General of ACERA), Mr. Yongfeng Lu (吕永丰 ,President of ACERA), James Clarke (柯雅各, Chair of ACBC WA),Mrs. Phoebe Wan (万薇,General Secretary of ACERA), and Mr. Xipo Zhang (张西坡, Vice President of ACERA).
Pictured from left to right are: Mr. Xipo Zhang (张西坡, Vice President of ACERA).Mr. Richard Cao (曹刚,Deputy Secretary-General of ACERA), Mr. David Sun(孙晓轩, Chair of CCCA Perth Branch ) Mr. Yongfeng Lu (吕永丰 ,President of ACERA), Mrs. Phoebe Wan (万薇,General Secretary of ACERA)
Pictured from left to right are: Mr. Likun Kuang (Managing Director of CNOOC Australia), Mr. Yongfeng Lu (President of ACERA), Mr. Richard Cao (Deputy Secretary-General of ACERA), Mrs. Phoebe Wan (General Secretary of ACERA), and Mr. Xipo Zhang (Vice President of ACERA).
The event was hosted by James Clarke (柯雅各), Chair of ACBC WA, and David Sun, Chair of CCCA Perth Branch, who also served as MCs for the evening. Keynote speakers included Hon. Roger Cook MLA, Premier of Western Australia; Mr. Dingbin Long, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Perth; and Shelley Robertson, Chief Operating Officer at Fortescue. During the event, Mr. Yongfeng Lv (President of ACERA), David Sun (Chair of CCCA Perth Branch), and James Clarke (柯雅各) reflected on the long-standing partnership between the two nations and their ongoing collaborative
The ACERA team also had the opportunity to present their vision and mission to Hon. Roger Cook. With hundreds of Chinese professionals specializing in energy and resources, ACERA aims to serve as a critical bridge between China and Australia. Their focus is on introducing cutting-edge technology and investment from abroad to support Western Australia's growth by providing high-quality, cost-effective solutions, ultimately contributing to the national “Future Made in Australia” strategy. Premier Cook commended ACERA for its dedication and encouraged the team to continue their valuable work. |
The ACERA management is encouraged by the support from both Chinese and Western Australian government officials, and is optimistic about the promising future of their collaboration. ACERA remains committed to its mission of serving as a bridge between China and Western Australia, a platform for resource networking, a forum for industry voices, and a home for professionals and experts.
All photographs were supplied by ACBC and are used with permission.