Oil & Gas Fundamentals and Preventing Workplace Incidents
This is a 5-day customised course intended for Chinese gas industry managers and executives who are decision-makers in their organisation. It provides an insight into the oil and gas industry and explains technical and industry terms in easily understood language. Course participants will also gain valuable knowledge into the current gas industry best practice in Australia. This course is aimed at senior executives who are interested in improving worker efficiency and preventing workplace incidents. At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
* Understand common gas industry technical terms; * Understand oil and gas industry value chain; * Understand competency-based training methods in Australia; * Develop strategies to address common causes of gas incidents; and * Prevent recurrence of incidents that cause injuries and loss of productivity.
Course Fee : AUD$3,500.00 per person Presenter/s : Leng Saw & Catherine Li (Chinese) Duration : 40 hours Course Info : This course is delivered in English with a Chinese technical translator present for the entire course. English course notes will be provided. This course includes a day visit to some common Perth attractions. Max Course Size: 10 participants. Client Info : Participants are required to organise own flights, accommodation and travel to the training. Venue details will be provided at course registration. Venue: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
For more course information, please contact Catherine Li at ccli@rocketmail.com.