ACERA Mid-Autumn Festival Dinner marks unity and prosperity for the oil patch
The ACERA hailed in the 2019 Mid-Autumn Festival on Thursday as one of the first industry groups in Perth to celebrate the occasion. The...
ACERA visits Chinese oil companies and industry associations
In March this year the ACERA toured three major Chinese oilfield cities: Beijing, Qingdao and Guangzhou. ACERA President Tysun Chan met...
New ACERA 2019 committee announced at AGM
After another successful year as one of Australia’s leading bodies dedicated to Australia-China cross-border petroleum trade and...
The 2018 Australia-China LNG Forum a Huge Success
8th- 9th October 2018 Perth Convention Centre, Western Australia 2018 marked another successful year for the Australia-China LNG Forum. ...
乘风破浪 直挂云帆 ——西澳华人石油协会欢送吕永丰先生回国履新暨喜迎春节活动小记
1月19日星期五,即中国阴历腊月初三,是一个和谐美好的日子——宜好友送别,宜故知相聚,宜喜迎中国新年。 晚上18点,西澳华人石油协会(Western Australian Chinese Petroleum Association...
Delegation of PNG Department of Petroleum and Energy undertake training in Australia
From 10th to 15th October, 2016, three officers from Department of Petroleum and Energy, Papua New Guinea, were invited to undertake an...
ACERA SEMINAR III, Australian Standards
ACERA has organised another successful seminar on Thursday 14th May entitled “Oil & Mining Equipment Exports to Australia: Challenges...
AOG Conference in Perth
The ACERA was actively involved in the Australasian Oil and Gas Exhibition & Conference in March in PCEC Perth. Oil and gas specialists...
ACERA First Golf Day on 2nd May
Sponsored by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, ACERA organized the first Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at Araluen Golf...
7th Australia-China Bilateral Dialogue on Resources and Energy Cooperation
ACERA representatives attended the 7th AustraliaChina Bilateral Dialogue on Resources and Energy Cooperation on Friday 6th Feb. Mr Chet...