Oil & Gas Fundamentals and Preventing Workplace Incidents
This is a 5-day customised course intended for Chinese gas industry managers and executives who are decision-makers in their...
乘风破浪 直挂云帆 ——西澳华人石油协会欢送吕永丰先生回国履新暨喜迎春节活动小记
1月19日星期五,即中国阴历腊月初三,是一个和谐美好的日子——宜好友送别,宜故知相聚,宜喜迎中国新年。 晚上18点,西澳华人石油协会(Western Australian Chinese Petroleum Association...
Lean Sigma Training Course
What is Lean Sigma Lean Six Sigma is a set of tools and skills to help you “simplify and perfect” your business processes. The...